Source code for blacktie.utils.calls

# (part of the blacktie package)
#  (c) 2013 - Augustine Dunn
#  James Laboratory
#  Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
#  University of California Irvine
#  Licenced under the GNU General Public License 3.0 license.

Code defining classes to represent and excute pipeline program calls.
import os
import sys
import base64
import traceback
import re
import time
import socket
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict

from mako.template import Template

from blacktie.utils.misc import Bunch,bunchify
from blacktie.utils.misc import email_notification
from blacktie.utils.misc import get_time
from blacktie.utils.misc import uniques
from blacktie.utils.externals import runExternalApp,mkdirp
from blacktie.utils import errors

[docs]class BaseCall(object): """ Defines common methods for all program call types. """
[docs] def __init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode='analyze'): """ initializes a ``BaseCall`` object :param yargs: argument tree generated by parsing the yaml config file :param email_info: Bunch() object containing keys: ``email_from``, ``email_to``, ``email_li`` :param run_id: id for the whole set of calls :param run_logs: the directory where log file should be put :param conditions: one or a list of condition-dictionaries from ``yargs.condition_queue`` :param mode: choices = ['analyze','dry_run','qsub_script'] :returns: an initialized ``BaseCall`` object """ self._hostname = socket.gethostname() self.mode = mode self.yargs = yargs self.email_info = email_info self.run_id = run_id self.log_dir = run_logs self.prgbar_regex = yargs.prgbar_regex self._conditions = conditions self.prog_yargs = None # over-ride in child __init__ self.arg_str = None # over-ride in child __init__
[docs] def _flag_out_dir(self): """ renames out directory, prepending 'FAILED' flag: ``mv tophat_Aa0 FAILED.tophat_Aa0`` """ orig_path_tokens = os.path.abspath(self.out_dir).split('/')[1:] new_path = "/%s/FAILED.%s" % ('/'.join(orig_path_tokens[:-1]), orig_path_tokens[-1]) os.rename(os.path.abspath(self.out_dir),new_path) self.out_dir = new_path
[docs] def init_log_file(self): """ creates empty log file for this call and stores its path in ``self.log_file`` """ if self.mode == 'analyze': log_file = "%s/%s.log" % (self.log_dir.rstrip('/'),self.call_id) log_file = open(log_file,'w') log_file.close() self.log_file = os.path.abspath( else: pass
[docs] def get_condition_id(self,condition_dict): """ Constructs condition ID :param condition_dict: a dictionary containing consition info like name, replicate_id, etc. :returns: an ID used to construct the call_id of a call. """ condition_id = "%s_%s" % (condition_dict['name'],condition_dict['replicate_id']) return condition_id
[docs] def set_call_id(self): """ builds and stores this call's call ID in ``self.call_id`` """ if isinstance(self._conditions,int) or isinstance(self._conditions,str): # this should mean that we are dealing with a "group" type call self.experiment_id = self._conditions self._conditions = self.yargs.groups[self.experiment_id] condition_ids = [self.get_condition_id(x) for x in self._conditions] call_id = "%s_%s" % (self.prog_name,".".join(condition_ids)) self.call_id = call_id elif isinstance(self._conditions,dict): condition_id = self.get_condition_id(self._conditions) call_id = "%s_%s" % (self.prog_name,condition_id) self.call_id = call_id else: raise errors.SanityCheckError('type(self._conditions) should be either int, str, or dict. It is: %s' % (type(self._conditions)))
[docs] def notify_start_of_call(self): """ sends notification email informing user that ``self.call_id`` has been initiated """ e = self.email_info report_time = get_time() email_sub="[SITREP from %s] Run %s - Starting %s at %s" % (self._hostname,self.run_id,self.call_id,report_time) email_body="%s\n\n%s" % (email_sub,self.cmd_string) server_info = self.yargs.run_options.custom_smtp email_notification(e.email_from, e.email_to, email_sub, email_body, base64.b64decode(e.email_li), server_info)
[docs] def notify_end_of_call(self): """ sends notification email informing user that ``self.call_id`` has exited """ e = self.email_info report_time = get_time() email_sub="[SITREP from %s] Run %s - Exited %s at %s" % (self._hostname,self.run_id,self.call_id,report_time) # repeat subject in body email_body=email_sub email_body += "\n\n ==> stderr <==\n\n%s" % (self.stderr_msg) server_info = self.yargs.run_options.custom_smtp email_notification(e.email_from, e.email_to, email_sub, email_body, base64.b64decode(e.email_li), server_info)
[docs] def build_out_dir_path(self): """ builds correct ``out_dir`` path based on state of ``self`` :returns: ``out_dir`` """ base_dir = self.yargs.run_options.base_dir.rstrip('/') return "%s/%s" % (base_dir,self.call_id)
[docs] def init_opt_dict(self): """ builds a dict with non-job-specific values set and job-specific values set to False based on option names in the yaml file for this phase :returns: partially populated ``opt_dict`` """ opt_dict = defaultdict(bool) for opt in self.prog_yargs.keys(): opt_dict[opt] opt_dict = dict(opt_dict) # from now on I want missing keys to raise error # Populate opt_dict with non-job-specific options encoded in yaml file # Ignore positional args for now no_positional_args = self.prog_yargs.keys() no_positional_args.remove('positional_args') for opt in no_positional_args: opt_val = self.prog_yargs[opt] if opt_val != "from_conditions": opt_dict[opt] = opt_val return opt_dict
[docs] def construct_options_list(self): """ converts ``opt_dict`` into list encoding proper options to send to the current program: saves to ``self``. """ options_list = [] for opt in self.opt_dict: if self.opt_dict[opt] is False: continue else: pass if len(opt) == 1: options_list.append('-%s' % (opt)) else: options_list.append('--%s' % (opt)) opt_val_str = str(self.opt_dict[opt]) if opt_val_str != 'True': options_list.append(opt_val_str) self.options_list = options_list
[docs] def purge_progress_bars(self, stderr_str): """ removes the dynamic progress bars included in some output in case user did not turn them off """ lines = stderr_str.split('\n') no_bar = [] for line in lines: if != None: # prgbar regex compiled outside scope to avoid re-complilation overhead pass else: no_bar.append(line) return '\n'.join(no_bar)
[docs] def log_msg(self,log_msg=''): """ * opens ``self.log_file`` * writes ``log_msg`` * closes ``self.log_file`` """ if self.mode == 'analyze': log = open(self.log_file,'a') log.write('\n%s\n' % (log_msg)) log.close() else: pass
[docs] def log_start(self): """ records start of call in ``self.log_file`` """ if self.mode == 'analyze': msg = '[start %s]\n' % (self.call_id) self.log_msg(log_msg=msg) else: pass
[docs] def log_end(self): """ records command string used, program output, and the end of call in ``self.log_file`` """ if self.mode == 'analyze': self.stderr_msg = self.purge_progress_bars(self.stderr_msg) err_msg = "%s\n\n%s\n[end %s]" % (self.cmd_string,self.stderr_msg,self.call_id) self.log_msg(log_msg=err_msg) else: pass
[docs] def build_qsub(self): """ Builds and writes this CallObject's qsub script to current working directory using options provided under the "qsub_options" sub-tree in the yaml config file. """ nicknames = {'tophat':'th', 'cufflinks':'cl', 'cuffmerge':'cm', 'cuffdiff':'cd',} qsub_options = self.yargs.qsub_options # set keyword args for template kw = Bunch() kw.queues = qsub_options.queues kw.datahome = qsub_options.datahome kw.core_range = qsub_options.core_range kw.email_addy = self.email_info.email_to kw.call_id = self.call_id job_name = "%s_%s" % (nicknames[self.prog_name], '_'.join(self.call_id.split('_')[1:])) kw.job_name = job_name kw.out_dir = self.out_dir kw.ld_library_path = qsub_options.ld_library_path # need to make sure we use the number of cores that the SGE gave us kw.cmd_str = self.cmd_string.replace('-p %s' % (self.opt_dict['p']),'-p $CORES') qsub_template = Template(filename=qsub_options.template) out_file = open('' % (self.call_id),'w') qsub_string = qsub_template.render(**kw) out_file.write(qsub_string) out_file.close()
[docs] def execute(self): """ calls correct program, records results, and manages errors """ self.cmd_string = "%s %s" % (self.prog_name,self.arg_str) if self.mode == 'analyze': try: self.notify_start_of_call() self.log_start() self.stdout_msg,self.stderr_msg = runExternalApp(progName=self.prog_name,argStr=self.arg_str) self.log_end() self.notify_end_of_call() except Exception as exc: email_body = traceback.format_exc() email_body = self.purge_progress_bars(email_body) e = self.email_info server_info = self.yargs.run_options.custom_smtp self.stdout_msg = "\nError in call. Check error log.\n" self.stderr_msg = email_body self.log_end() self._flag_out_dir() if isinstance(exc,errors.SystemCallError): email_sub="[SITREP from %s] Run %s experienced SystemCallError in call %s. MOVING ON." % (self._hostname,self.run_id,self.call_id) email_notification(e.email_from, e.email_to, email_sub, email_body, base64.b64decode(e.email_li),server_info) elif isinstance(exc,KeyboardInterrupt): email_sub="[SITREP from %s] Run %s experienced KeyboardInterrupt in call %s. MOVING ON." % (self._hostname,self.run_id,self.call_id) email_notification(e.email_from, e.email_to, email_sub, email_body, base64.b64decode(e.email_li),server_info) else: email_sub="[SITREP from %s] Run %s experienced unhandled exception in call %s. EXITING." % (self._hostname,self.run_id,self.call_id) email_notification(e.email_from, e.email_to, email_sub, email_body, base64.b64decode(e.email_li),server_info) raise # DRY RUN elif self.mode == 'dry_run': print self.cmd_string + '\n' # QSUB SCRIPT elif self.mode == 'qsub_script': self.build_qsub() else: raise errors.BlacktieError()
[docs]class TophatCall(BaseCall): """ Manage a single call to tophat and store associated run data. """
[docs] def __init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode): """ initializes the ``TophatCall`` object :param yargs: argument tree generated by parsing the yaml config file :param email_info: Bunch() object containing keys: ``email_from``, ``email_to``, ``email_li`` :param run_id: id for the whole set of calls :param run_logs: the directory where log file should be put :param conditions: one or a list of condition-dictionaries from ``yargs.condition_queue`` :param mode: choices = ['analyze','dry_run','qsub_script'] :returns: an initialized ``TophatCall`` object """ self.prog_name = 'tophat' BaseCall.__init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode) self.prog_yargs = self.yargs.tophat_options self.set_call_id() self.init_log_file() self.out_dir = self.get_out_dir() # set up options for program call self.opt_dict = self.init_opt_dict() self.opt_dict['o'] = self.out_dir self.opt_dict['G'] = self.get_gtf_anno() self.construct_options_list() # now the positional args bowtie_index = self.get_bt_idx() left_reads = self.get_lt_reads() right_reads = self.get_rt_reads() # combine and save arg_str self.options_list.extend([bowtie_index,left_reads,right_reads]) self.arg_str = ' '.join(self.options_list)
[docs] def get_out_dir(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.tophat_options.o: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.o if option == 'from_conditions': return self.build_out_dir_path() else: return option
[docs] def get_gtf_anno(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.tophat_options.G: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.G if option == 'from_conditions': gtf_path = self._conditions['gtf_annotation'] return gtf_path else: return option
[docs] def get_bt_idx(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.tophat_options.positional_args.bowtie2_index: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.positional_args.bowtie2_index if option == 'from_conditions': bt_idx_dir = self.yargs.run_options.bowtie_indexes_dir.rstrip('/') bt_idx_name = self._conditions['bowtie2_index'] return "%s/%s" % (bt_idx_dir,bt_idx_name) else: return option
[docs] def get_lt_reads(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.tophat_options.positional_args.left_reads: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.positional_args.left_reads if option == 'from_conditions': lt_reads = self._conditions['left_reads'] return "%s" % (','.join(lt_reads)) else: return option
[docs] def get_rt_reads(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.tophat_options.positional_args.right_reads: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.positional_args.right_reads if option == 'from_conditions': rt_reads = self._conditions['right_reads'] return "%s" % (','.join(rt_reads)) else: return option
[docs]class CufflinksCall(BaseCall): """ Manage a single call to cufflinks and store associated run data. """
[docs] def __init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode): """ initializes the ``CufflinksCall`` object :param yargs: argument tree generated by parsing the yaml config file :param email_info: Bunch() object containing keys: ``email_from``, ``email_to``, ``email_li`` :param run_id: id for the whole set of calls :param run_logs: the directory where log file should be put :param conditions: one or a list of condition-dictionaries from ``yargs.condition_queue`` :param mode: choices = ['analyze','dry_run','qsub_script'] :returns: an initialized ``CufflinksCall`` object .. todo:: **DONE** add support for --GTF in addition to currently supported --GTF-guide """ self.prog_name = 'cufflinks' BaseCall.__init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode) self.prog_yargs = self.yargs.cufflinks_options self.set_call_id() self.init_log_file() self.out_dir = self.get_out_dir() # set up options for program call self.opt_dict = self.init_opt_dict() self.verify_options() self.opt_dict['o'] = self.out_dir self.opt_dict['GTF-guide'] = self.get_gtf_anno_guide() self.opt_dict['GTF'] = self.get_gtf_anno() self.opt_dict['frag-bias-correct'] = self.get_genome() self.opt_dict['mask-file'] = self.get_mask_file() self.construct_options_list() # now the positional args self.accepted_hits = self.get_accepted_hits() # combine and save arg_str self.options_list.extend([self.accepted_hits]) self.arg_str = ' '.join(self.options_list)
[docs] def verify_options(self): """ Makes sure that conflicting options were not imported from yaml config file. .. todo:: **DONE** GTF and GTF-guide should not be used together but both can be ommited """ options = self.prog_yargs # GTF and GTF-guide should not be used together but both can be ommited try: gtf = bool(options['GTF']) except KeyError: gtf = False options['GTF'] = gtf try: gtf_guide = bool(options['GTF-guide']) except KeyError: gtf_guide = False options['GTF-guide'] = gtf_guide if gtf and gtf_guide: raise errors.SanityCheckError('"GTF" and "GTF-guide" option were non-False. Please only set one or the other.')
[docs] def get_out_dir(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cufflinks_options.o: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.o if option == 'from_conditions': return self.build_out_dir_path() else: return option
[docs] def get_gtf_anno_guide(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cufflinks_options.GTF-guide: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['GTF-guide'] if option == 'from_conditions': gtf_path = self._conditions['gtf_annotation'] return gtf_path else: return option
[docs] def get_gtf_anno(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cufflinks_options.GTF: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['GTF'] if option == 'from_conditions': gtf_path = self._conditions['gtf_annotation'] return gtf_path else: return option
[docs] def get_genome(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cufflinks_options.frag-bias-correct: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['frag-bias-correct'] if option == 'from_conditions': genome_path = self._conditions['genome_seq'] return genome_path else: return option
[docs] def get_accepted_hits(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cufflinks_options.positional_args.accepted_hits: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.positional_args.accepted_hits if option == 'from_conditions': bam_path = self.get_bam_path() return bam_path else: return option
[docs] def get_bam_path(self): """ Supports ``self.get_accepted_hits()``. """ th_call_id = "tophat_%s" % (self.get_condition_id(self._conditions)) try: th_call = self.yargs.call_records[th_call_id] th_out_dir = th_call.out_dir bam_path = "%s/accepted_hits.bam" % (th_out_dir.rstrip('/')) except (KeyError,AttributeError) as exp: msg = "WARNING: unable to find matching tophat call record in memory for condition: %s\nAttempting to find corresponding cufflinks outfile in your base_dir." \ % (self.get_condition_id(self._conditions)) self.log_msg(log_msg=msg) # try to guess correct tophat out directory base_dir = self.yargs.run_options.base_dir bam_path = "%s/%s/accepted_hits.bam" % (base_dir.rstrip('/'),th_call_id) if not os.path.exists(bam_path): if self.mode == 'analyze': #: ``.. todo:: build framework to handle this non-fatally`` raise errors.MissingArgumentError("I could not find an appropriate accepted_hits.bam file. Failed to find: %s" \ % (bam_path)) else: pass else: return bam_path return bam_path
[docs] def get_mask_file(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cufflinks_options.mask-file: from_conditions``. """ try: option = self.prog_yargs['mask-file'] if option == 'from_conditions': mask_path = self._conditions['mask_file'] return mask_path else: return option except KeyError: return False
[docs]class CuffmergeCall(BaseCall): """ Manage a single call to cuffmerge and store associated run data. """
[docs] def __init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode): """ initializes the ``CuffmergeCall`` object :param yargs: argument tree generated by parsing the yaml config file :param email_info: Bunch() object containing keys: ``email_from``, ``email_to``, ``email_li`` :param run_id: id for the whole set of calls :param run_logs: the directory where log file should be put :param conditions: one or a list of condition-dictionaries from ``yargs.condition_queue`` :param mode: choices = ['analyze','dry_run','qsub_script'] :returns: an initialized ``CuffmergeCall`` object """ self.prog_name = 'cuffmerge' BaseCall.__init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode) self.prog_yargs = self.yargs.cuffmerge_options self.set_call_id() self.init_log_file() self.out_dir = self.get_out_dir() # set up options for program call self.opt_dict = self.init_opt_dict() self.opt_dict['o'] = self.out_dir self.opt_dict['ref-gtf'] = self.get_gtf_anno() self.opt_dict['ref-sequence'] = self.get_genome() self.construct_options_list() # now the positional args assembly_list = self.get_cufflinks_gtfs() # combine and save arg_str self.options_list.extend([assembly_list]) self.arg_str = ' '.join(self.options_list)
[docs] def get_out_dir(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffmerge_options.o: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.o if option == 'from_conditions': return self.build_out_dir_path() else: return option
[docs] def get_gtf_anno(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffmerge_options.ref-gtf: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['ref-gtf'] if option == 'from_conditions': # Make sure all conditions agree on anno.gtf gtf_path = set([c['gtf_annotation'] for c in self._conditions]) if len(gtf_path) == 1: gtf_path = gtf_path.pop() else: raise errors.InvalidFileFormatError('CHECK YAML CONFIG FILE: Conditions in experiment %s do not agree on which "ref-gtf" to use: %s.' \ % (self.experiment_id,gtf_path)) return gtf_path else: return option
[docs] def get_genome(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffmerge_options.ref-sequence: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['ref-sequence'] if option == 'from_conditions': # Make sure all conditions agree on their genome seq genome_path = set([c['genome_seq'] for c in self._conditions]) if len(genome_path) == 1: genome_path = genome_path.pop() else: raise errors.InvalidFileFormatError('CHECK YAML CONFIG FILE: Conditions in experiment %s do not agree on which "ref-sequence" to use: %s.' \ % (self.experiment_id,genome_path)) return genome_path else: return option
[docs] def get_cuffGTF_path(self,condition): """ Supports ``self.get_cufflinks_gtfs()``. """ cl_call_id = "cufflinks_%s" % (self.get_condition_id(condition)) try: cl_call = self.yargs.call_records[cl_call_id] cl_out_dir = cl_call.out_dir gtf_path = "%s/transcripts.gtf" % (cl_out_dir.rstrip('/')) except (KeyError,AttributeError) as exp: msg = "WARNING: unable to find matching cufflinks call record in memory for condition: %s\nAttempting to find corresponding cufflinks outfile in your base_dir." \ % (self.get_condition_id(condition)) self.log_msg(log_msg=msg) # try to guess correct cufflinks out directory base_dir = self.yargs.run_options.base_dir gtf_path = "%s/%s/transcripts.gtf" % (base_dir.rstrip('/'),cl_call_id) if not os.path.exists(gtf_path): if self.mode == 'analyze': #: .. todo:: build framework to handle this non-fatally raise errors.MissingArgumentError("I could not find an appropriate transcripts.gtf file. Failed to find: %s" \ % (gtf_path)) else: pass else: return gtf_path return gtf_path
[docs]class CuffdiffCall(BaseCall): """ Manage a single call to cuffdiff and store associated run data. """
[docs] def __init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode): """ initializes the ``CuffdiffCall`` object :param yargs: argument tree generated by parsing the yaml config file :param email_info: Bunch() object containing keys: ``email_from``, ``email_to``, ``email_li`` :param run_id: id for the whole set of calls :param run_logs: the directory where log file should be put :param conditions: one or a list of condition-dictionaries from ``yargs.condition_queue`` :param mode: choices = ['analyze','dry_run','qsub_script'] :returns: an initialized ``CuffdiffCall`` object """ self.prog_name = 'cuffdiff' BaseCall.__init__(self,yargs,email_info,run_id,run_logs,conditions,mode) self.prog_yargs = self.yargs.cuffdiff_options self.set_call_id() self.init_log_file() self.out_dir = self.get_out_dir() # set up options for program call ##cuffdiff_options: ##o: from_conditions ##labels: from_conditions ##frag-bias-correct: from_conditions ##positional_args: ##transcripts_gtf: from_conditions ##sample_bams: from_conditions self.opt_dict = self.init_opt_dict() self.opt_dict['o'] = self.out_dir self.opt_dict['labels'] = self.get_labels() self.opt_dict['mask-file'] = self.get_mask_file() self.opt_dict['frag-bias-correct'] = self.get_genome() self.construct_options_list() # now the positional args transcripts_gtf = self.get_cuffmerge_gtf() sample_bams = self.get_sample_bams() # combine and save arg_str self.options_list.extend([transcripts_gtf,sample_bams]) self.arg_str = ' '.join(self.options_list)
[docs] def get_out_dir(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffdiff_options.o: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs.o if option == 'from_conditions': return self.build_out_dir_path() else: return option
[docs] def get_genome(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffdiff_options.frag-bias-correct: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['frag-bias-correct'] if option == 'from_conditions': # Make sure all conditions agree on their genome seq genome_path = set([c['genome_seq'] for c in self._conditions]) if len(genome_path) == 1: genome_path = genome_path.pop() else: raise errors.InvalidFileFormatError('CHECK YAML CONFIG FILE: Conditions in experiment %s do not agree on which "ref-sequence" to use: %s.' \ % (self.experiment_id,genome_path)) return genome_path else: return option
[docs] def get_sample_bams(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffdiff_options.positional_args.sample_bams: from_conditions``. """ def join_replicate_paths(top_level_conditions,paths): # I KNOW this has crappy big O time but the list sizes here are small joined_rep_paths = [] for tlc in top_level_conditions: tlc_paths = [] for path in paths: if tlc in path: tlc_paths.append(path) else: pass joined_rep_paths.append(','.join(tlc_paths)) return joined_rep_paths #: .. todo:: support replicate bams as: " samp1_r1.bam,samp1_r2.bam samp2_r1.bam,samp2_r2.bam " option = self.prog_yargs.positional_args.sample_bams if option == 'from_conditions': paths = [] for condition in self._conditions: bam_path = self.get_bam_path(condition) paths.append(bam_path) # join bam paths that are bio-replicates with commas top_level_conditions = ['_'.join( path.split('/')[-2].split('_')[:-1] ) for path in paths] top_level_conditions = uniques(top_level_conditions) joined_replicate_paths = join_replicate_paths(top_level_conditions,paths) return ' '.join(joined_replicate_paths) else: return option
[docs] def get_bam_path(self,condition): """ Supports ``self.get_sample_bams()``. """ th_call_id = "tophat_%s" % (self.get_condition_id(condition)) try: th_call = self.yargs.call_records[th_call_id] th_out_dir = th_call.out_dir bam_path = "%s/accepted_hits.bam" % (th_out_dir.rstrip('/')) except (KeyError,AttributeError) as exp: msg = "WARNING: unable to find matching tophat call record in memory for condition: %s\nAttempting to find corresponding cufflinks outfile in your base_dir." \ % (self.get_condition_id(condition)) self.log_msg(log_msg=msg) # try to guess correct tophat out directory base_dir = self.yargs.run_options.base_dir bam_path = "%s/%s/accepted_hits.bam" % (base_dir.rstrip('/'),th_call_id) if not os.path.exists(bam_path): if self.mode == 'analyze': #: .. todo:: build framework to handle this non-fatally raise errors.MissingArgumentError("I could not find an appropriate accepted_hits.bam file. Failed to find: %s" \ % (bam_path)) else: pass else: return bam_path return bam_path
[docs] def get_mask_file(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffdiff_options.mask-file: from_conditions``. """ try: option = self.prog_yargs['mask-file'] if option == 'from_conditions': # Make sure all conditions agree on their mask-file mask_path = set([c['mask_file'] for c in self._conditions]) if len(mask_path) == 1: mask_path = mask_path.pop() else: raise errors.InvalidFileFormatError('CHECK YAML CONFIG FILE: Conditions in experiment %s do not agree on which "ref-sequence" to use: %s.' \ % (self.experiment_id,mask_path)) return mask_path else: return option except KeyError: return False
[docs] def get_labels(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffdiff_options.labels: from_conditions``. """ option = self.prog_yargs['labels'] if option == 'from_conditions': labels = [] for condition in self._conditions: labels.append(condition['name']) labels = uniques(labels) return ','.join(labels) else: return option
[docs] def get_cuffmerge_gtf(self): """ Handles ``yaml_config.cuffdiff_options.positional_args.transcripts_gtf: from_conditions``. """ cm_call_id = self.call_id.replace('cuffdiff','cuffmerge') try: cm_call = self.yargs.call_records[cm_call_id] cm_out_dir = cm_call.out_dir gtf_path = "%s/merged.gtf" % (cm_out_dir.rstrip('/')) except (KeyError,AttributeError) as exp: msg = "WARNING: unable to find matching cuffmerge call record in memory for experiment: %s\nAttempting to find corresponding cufflinks outfile in your base_dir." \ % (cm_call_id) self.log_msg(log_msg=msg) # try to guess correct cuffmerge out directory base_dir = self.yargs.run_options.base_dir gtf_path = "%s/%s/merged.gtf" % (base_dir.rstrip('/'),cm_call_id) if not os.path.exists(gtf_path): if self.mode == 'analyze': #: .. todo:: build framework to handle this non-fatally raise errors.MissingArgumentError("I could not find an appropriate merged.gtf file. Failed to find: %s" \ % (gtf_path)) else: pass else: return gtf_path return gtf_path